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Here you will find all the latest news in the pet world, and informative blogs and guides. We hope you find them helpful.

group of cats sitting together

Most popular cat breeds of 2022 and 2023

26th April, 2023

What’s the secret to a happy life with your cat? Choosing the right breed in the first place! Here’s how…...

2 labs walking side by side

English Labs vs American Labs: what are the differences?

25th April, 2023

Is there really anything that differentiates these two types of Labrador? We take a look at their traits, origins and breed standards to find out....

ginger cat eating food

Can I catch worms from my cat?

24th April, 2023

Worms might be a common problem for cats but can they pass them to you? Learn which parasites you could catch and how to prevent them in your home altogether....

Old cat

Risk of dental disease rises as cats get older

17th April, 2023

New research from the Royal Veterinary College (RVC) sheds light on how common and serious dental problems are for cats. Periodontal disease or periodontitis is associated with an accumulation of plaque and tartar on the teeth which causes a range of oral health issues, including gum inflammation, loss of the structures supporting the teeth, tooth mobility and pain....

cat having their fur combed

7 mistakes to avoid when grooming your cat

13th April, 2023

If you’re forever getting nipped and scratched while grooming your cat, you might be making these mistakes! Learn how to avoid them and make it more enjoyable for your pet....

dog laying with a heat compress

11 things to give a dog with an upset stomach

12th April, 2023

Has your hound got tummy troubles? Here are some quick remedies that could help....

Dog and chocolate

Keep Easter treats away from your pets

5th April, 2023

Vets are reminding pet owners to make sure that chocolates and hot cross buns are kept well out of reach of curious pets this Easter. Chocolate can be extremely harmful for both dogs and cats and Easter often leads to a spike in cases of chocolate poisoning, the British Veterinary Association (BVA) said....

cat sitting on cat litter

Why is my cat suddenly peeing outside the litter box?

5th April, 2023

Has your cat forgotten all their house training? Petwise turns detective to discover the reasons why…...

dog drinking water from a bowl

10 reasons why your older dog is drinking more water

4th April, 2023

From simple dehydration to diabetes, there can be lots of reasons why your older dog is drinking more than usual. Learn more now.…...